Monday, January 14, 2013

What Opportunities Look Like

Many of you know that I quit my job in November/December in the hopes that God would move me into ministry.  I had a hope of a part-time job that would pay the bills until something opened up--either part-time (to pair with the other job) or full-time.  Secretly, however, I wanted everything to work out perfectly...  You know: announce my resignation one day, be offered the most perfect ministry job the next?

I should know better by now.

God doesn't work that way in my life.  I have heard of story after story of how He's done that for others, but not for me.  For me, for whatever reason, it's about the waiting.  The waiting, which is... really frustrating.  But also... it's reassuring, if I take a really big step back.  (OK, a REALLY big step back!)  God is always up to something in my life, but He always takes His time doing it.  It's part of how I know it's Him working.

So I'm not working in paid ministry.  Opportunities to serve, however, have exploded. 

I have even met with those who have walked this path before, and gleaned so much from their experience.  One of the main lessons I'm learning?
"Whatever you're doing, it's experience.  Use it.  Learn from it.  Grow from it.  
It'll add one more tool to your toolbox."

This is probably some of the best advice I've gotten so far. 
  •  That job that isn't ministry, but pays the bills?  Learn from it:  Develop trust before you share your message.
  • Teaching those kids?  If you can communicate the truth of God to children, you can communicate it to adults.
  • Managing greeters?  Hone your administrative and encouragement sides.  Keep your eyes open and pay attention to the people around you.  Lead a ministry.
  • Speaking in church?  Study.  Pray.  Practice.  Figure out which hand YOU need to hold the microphone in.  Be YOU.
There is so much more I'm involved in, and I'm looking around every corner now for the tidbits that I'm learning, the parts that I can glean from each person and experience. 

Colossians 4:5 says to "make the most out of every opportunity."  Challenge accepted!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The Word of the Year for 2013

A few weeks ago, I was inspired by a Compassion International blog post on finding a word of the year.  Something that God wants to use in your life to remind you of who He is, who you are, or what He's up to.

I immediately had a word pop in my head, but thought, "That's FAR too negative of a word.  There's no way that it can be mine for a year."

However, the word kept repeating in my life--it and its opposite...  I would read it in the Bible, hear it in conversation, even speak it's opposite from the platform at church.  Each time, my spirit would leap a little... Whispering, "Yes... YES!  I believe!"

This week I've begun to embrace my word:

It sounds negative, doesn't it?!  Nothing.  When I first started thinking about it, all I could think of was The Nothing from The Neverending Story.  "God?" I asked.  "God, would You give me a word that hopeless?"

Ah, what little understanding I had!

A reminder that it is GOD who we dwell in and who dwells in us. 
 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." ~John 15:5

While the word "nothing" is not written here, it's implied in the list of items.  NOTHING can separate us from the love of God!
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" ~Romans 8:38-39

In Mark 8, when the people listening to Jesus teaching had been there for days with no food, Jesus recognized that they had nothing...  and did a miracle by providing food.  Jesus is STILL in the business of miracles today!

It's opposite, "anything" or "everything" has been impacting me as well.
In Mark 9:23, Jesus says, "Everything is possible for one who believes."

This year, God apparently means to teach me that He is much more powerful and unlimited than I have ever given Him credit for.  And I am unbelievably excited to learn that lesson.