Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hey Boardies!

This is to any of you boardies out there who read my blog.

I'm having sign in problems at the boards so I haven't been there in forever. I miss you all! I've emailed Mick so we'll see what happens. Don't think I've forgotten you! Love you guys! :)


Slicer said...

The boards have been more glitchy than normal lately :-(
And the old ones appear to be gone forever now... I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Stop in whenever you can. We miss you!

Emily said...

Sigh... Mick's email used to be mick@sparrow.com, right? I thought it was. it's sparrowrecords. Oops. So I'm delayed a few days getting it resolved. Oh well. I miss you guys.

Slicer said...

Hurry back! Chippy is asking about you in the FDW thread ;-)