Sunday, July 24, 2005

What you've all been waiting for...

A REAL post. :) Not that there's going to be a lot put in it...

It's Sunday and looks like it's a beautiful morning out there! It's 67 degrees right now (9:50 am) and looks like it's jumping one degree every ten minutes! It's supposed to be up around 80 today. And tomorrow. And 85 on Tuesday. Toasty! (OK, Slicer, I know you'll comment that we're COOL compared to where you are, right? :) hehe)

I didn't go to church last night or this morning. I feel guilty (as every servant feels when they don't make it to church... sigh...) but I've been trying NOT to get sick. Friday my throat started hurting, like it was closing in on itself. Then it would go away. Then it would come back and bring ear pressure. Occasionally I'll cough, or have a stuffy nose. I just don't get it. So I'm trying to lay low and just get THROUGH this.... this whatever it is.

Today is a family get-together... the Hills and the O'Keefes. Not sure if there's a reason except that my great-aunt and uncle are here from Arizona and we're just having a party! Sounds like fun, though.

I haven't been in the Word like I should be lately. It makes me sad because I'm not making God a priority right now and I should/WANT to be. I know I'm being pretty selfish about my time. He and I are talking, but not as much as I want. If I claim that He's the most important person in my life, I want to be able to prove it to Him. I mean, that's what I want in a romantic relationship--I want the elusive "him" to prove to me that I'm important to him, that our relationship is strong and growing and real... and important. So why do I feel unwilling to do a little bit of time-sacrifice-that-becomes-blessing for the most important HIM I'll ever know? Interesting.

Tuesday is the 15th anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). I'll be volunteering at this event. It should be fun--I'm kind of looking forward to it.

Hm. Well, there's an update for you. I think I may go and work on cleaning/organizing my desk now. I got the rest of the room clean yesterday. Or.... I found a really cool frame and some pics that I wanted to put in it yesterday on top of my hope chest and maybe I'll do that. Yeah... that sounds more fun. :) hehe


Slicer said...

Yeah, I'd take 85°F! Actually, it's been a little cooler lately.

Jenni said...

I understand the yearning for more closeness. Try praise through's something that Gathering Place just started...they have pastels and crayons and letters and cardstock and everything...and find someone to tell the story of your spiritual journey to. It really makes it stick in your head. I just got a chance to tell a friend at work a little about myself and it really brought home how all that I've experienced has brought me to where I am now. I am grateful.

Emily said...

That's a really good idea. Thanks, Jenni.