Thursday, August 04, 2005


Hi all - it's late but I just wanted to post a quick post.

Tomorrow is Friday and I'm happy about that - this has been an interesting week. I've had a good week of devotions and it's been so good to connect with Jesus. I'm reading my one-year bible right now and am so thankful to Hedy for giving that to me. Thanks Hedy! :) hehe it always manages to get me back to the right track for Scripture reading. Right now I'm in 2 Chronicles (i think 2nd...) and just finished Romans. It also has a psalm and a couple proverbs every day. I like it - good variety. :)

OK, time to go read for today and grab clothes from the dryer. Night!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Hey there Spunky...and how did you decided on JoJo again? :)