Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 15 - The Business and the Party

The Business
I've just started a new business! I'm a Taste of Home Entertaining (TOHE) Consultant!! Check out my website, for more information and read my story. :) I KNOW there will be more about this later. :)

The Party
APRIL 15 is my TOHE Launch Party!! If you're in the area, let me know and please drop by - 2-4. I'd LOVE to have you there! :) If you're not in the area and want a catalog, a party, to be a consultant, whatever, just let me know! I'll get you hooked up!

For tonight - I'm off to bed. Keep the previews of the next post or two in your head... they'll be coming. :)


Slicer said...

So... I won't be able to attend, but I'd love to hear about your new business as you progress. I'd like to know if the compensation program is all it is built up to be.

Jenni said...

Yay, I'm excited for your party! And I'll be waiting for that catalog...