Friday, October 08, 2010

One Life Impacts How Many?

It's late and I'm laying in bed reading blogs on my laptop. I know I should go to sleep, but I always seem to push it to the limit on the weekends... weekdays, too, I guess. A few weeks ago a friend asked me, "You love sleep so much... why do you always try to put it off???" I guess I'll never know the answer to that one. :)

In my last post, you read about the book Outlive Your Life and how it and my small groups are affecting me. I'm here to say... it's still going on. This week's video during Tuesday's small group was so powerful--I was almost in tears watching the lives of 2 ordinary Americans change when their world was flipped in Haiti... when the earthquake hit just one week after they moved there to become English teachers. They found their ministry HOME, where they knew they belonged.

My heart has been yearning even more to make a difference in the world. I have always, ALWAYS wanted to leave a legacy, something that I was a part of that is so much bigger than me. God's showing small ways to do that now--and how to prepare for more ways to make an impact in the future. Our small group is planning on tackling an issue in our community, and I'm excited to see this group of women grow into that. I've been completely convicted in my lack of relationship building (i.e. letter writing) for my child I sponsor through Compassion. That conviction has led to me joining a group of other sponsors who write their children every second Friday (that's today, by the way!). My Ezra has a letter in the mail to her right now, and one sitting on my night stand with a bunch of pictures in it--just waiting for one finishing touch and a stamp. By sponsoring her, I AM fighting poverty, hunger, need... she's getting an education, learning about Jesus, and developing a friend--ME. I'm so blessed to call her MY friend... and over the last several months we've actually started to get to know each other better. If I ever go to Indonesia--she's the first person I want to see.

OK, it's nearing midnight. I'm going to go to sleep. But here's tonight's question... well, questionS. Have you written to YOUR sponsored child today?? If you don't have one, are you willing to make a long term difference in someone's life?


Michelle ~ Blogging from the Boonies said...

Conviction is a wonderful thing! Amen!!

Jenni said...

I don't have a sponsored child, but I put effort into making connections with the kids in my life. Touch, affirmations, conversation, games, small gifts... Good thoughts. Hopefully we can talk soon!

Kristy said...

Good blog Emily...I too yearn to be a part in something big. I want to be impactful ... LARGELY impactful and find myself frustrated that I have yet to find that in my life. I suppose it's true that the small things (in the current time) adds up to large things later, but I see so MUCH larger things for me! I can't lead others if I can't even lead myself ... I have to start somewhere, but when will I be able to learn and do something large and impactful? :) Miss your smile!