Monday, November 29, 2004

Important Thoughts...

OK, these quotes come from a book I was made to read at NCU--a book I hated. But now I want to dig it out and see what it has to say to me. Yes, Carina... It's Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee. Sigh...

When Christ told His disciples, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32, KJV) He was referring not only to an intellectual assent to the truth but also to the application of truth in the most basic issues of life; our goals, our motives, and our sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, many of us give only lip service to the powerful truths of the Scriptures without allowing them to affect the basis of our self-esteem in a radical way. (SfS page xi)

God tells us that we are so significant to Him that He always keeps an eye on us. He manages to be so sensitive to our situation that He even keeps track of the hairs on our head. There is obviously nothing more important to God than our welfare. (SfS page 8)

Our desire to be loved and accepted is a symptom of a deeper need - the need that frequently governs our behavior and is the primary source of our emotional pain. Often unrecognized, this its our need for self-worth. (SfS page 9)

The Scriptures warn us that we live within a warfare that can destroy our faith, lower our self-esteem, and lead us into depression. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul instructs us to put on the armor of God so that we can be equipped for spiritual battle. (SfS page 12)


Jenni said...


Jenni said...

I found a quote on another blog today that I thought would probably fit here. Maybe someday we will all believe these things:

"When you wake up in the morning, let your first words/signs be "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14) or "God loves me with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3). You will feel silly. You will tell yourself it's not true. BUT IT IS!. God spoke it over you--you need to speak it and BELIEVE it!

When you speak something to yourself you begin to believe it. If you tell yourself you will fail a test... you'll probably fail. If you tell yourself that God loves you with an everlasting, forever, endless love... you'll begin to believe THAT!!!!"

Good luck with your hated book. :P

Emily said...

Sigh... yeah, yeah, yeah. ;) hehehe I know where that came from.

I still have to FIND the hated book. That's half the battle.