Wednesday, June 09, 2010

June is bustin' out all over!!!

June shocks me... for several reasons!
1 - You realize that this is the 6th month of 2010... yeah, we're almost HALFWAY through this year! Wasn't it JUST Christmas???
2 - My birthday is this month. That's just weird.
3 - Relay for Life - EEEK! I'm TOTALLY behind on fundraising and EVERYTHING this year. We're nowhere near goal. If you want to help me out...
4 - All my teacher friends are bragging about how many wake ups they have. Yeah... you get three months off, don't complain about the pay. ;) (you know I love you... but seriously? the rest of us still have to get up each day.)

5 - this is the BEST one of all. My sister Serry will be celebrating ONE YEAR OF REMISSION this month!!! WOO HOO! :)

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