Tuesday, December 07, 2010

What My Cats Taught Me About Jesus...

Last night my cats got into the garbage. They spread it ALL OVER the kitchen. I was so irritated. When I got home tonight I had to clean it up. But all they wanted was to be fed. Now keep in mind two things... 1--I am exhausted right now. I'm so thankful for all I'm doing, and I'm loving my life, I'm just tired... and today was a tiring day, filled with being in charge of a bake sale at work, etc. 2--I feed them raw food and ran out of it last night... kind of improvising this morning. Tonight I had to stop at the store to buy 4 chicken thighs to get them through the next day or two.

Anyway, I got home and was exhausted and had a lot to do before they could eat--before *I* could eat, too. And the crying started. Meow. meoooow... meeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... I was getting SO irritated. SO frustrated. They wouldn't be quiet. "Can't you SEE that I'm trying to chop your chicken here?" I exclaimed.

Then I looked down...
...and came eye to eye with the sweetest, pleading, golden eyes ever.

All they wanted was their dinner. And they KNEW I was getting it for them. They just wanted it sooner than I was ready to give them.

Enter God's gentle reminder... those things that *I* keep asking for? Yeah, I COULD be annoying God... but He's so gracious, so loving... and He loves me SO much. and when He doesn't answer me right away? Well, maybe He's just chopping my chicken... so to speak. ;)


StevenSauke said...

Great reminder! Thanks!

Mathina said...

Totally love this! I needed to hear it too!!!! Thanks Emily for sharing!

Jenni said...

chopping my chicken...I like that. Way to listen. lol, cuz if you gave it to them when they wanted it, it wouldn't be ready for them.

Anita said...

VERY insightful. I likey.